Drunken Debauchery

Taiwan Scooter Adventure #2 (Go Left Josh, Just GO Left)

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By Joshua Dent

February 28,2013 started out to be what I thought was going to be a fairly typical Sunday afternoon here in “The Jongli” 

I woke up at about 12:30 completely hungover and still feeling shitfaced from drinking at two of Jongli’s finest watering holes, “The River” and “C’est La Vie”

The River is a typical Westerner kind of bar here in Southeast Asia. American music is played the entire evening, and English is widely spoken throughout the pub. 

After the River, we headed to our favorite after hours spot called “C’est La Vie.”

Now, there is ABSOULTUELY nothing French or magical about C’est La Vie.

It normally has about 5-7 at most completely slobbering, piss-faced drunk Taiwanese guys in there, and if we are lucky there might be one girl hanging around

The one unhidden gem about C’est La Vie is the head bartender there. We can never figure out how to explain this girl. I personally love the fact that she speaks 0 English.

But, if you look at her, she almost has yellow buck teeth at first glance and absolutely nothing beautiful about her.

She still has some sort of unexplainable really, really, really bizarre cuteness to her.

I just can’t figure it out for the life of me. She looks ugly as sin sometimes and cute as a button others.

As I was writing, it dawned on me that I never see her before 4am. So, I think we just solved that mystery.

But, back to the point of the story. After stumbling around my apartment from about 1:30 to 3:30, still drunk enough to taste the Jack Daniels on my breath from the night before, I decided it was time to make something out of this day.

That was when without thought I grabbed my passport, ARC, and motorcycle helmet. I was about ready to tackle round 2 of the absolute insanity that is also known as driving a scooter in Taiwan.

When I arrived at the bottom of the steps, that amazing array of confidence in my driving abilities that I had from the 11th floor of my apartment disappeared quickly.

I may not have yet realized how quickly the confidence was leaving my body until I actually put my helmet on.

With the size of my head, I am quite certain that any wind gust over 5 m.p.h. could have blown that helmet that was only half on my head right to the side of the road.

After the helmet was half-cocked and secured on my head, that is when I made my first glance out onto the chaotic and hectic road I would have to tackle first (Yanping Road)

The bike was on top of a 3 foot high landing with the roughly 18  other scooters parked out in front of my apartment building. I was mentally holding onto that parking area as my remaining blanket of security between me and the open road for as long as I could.

As a matter of fact, I stood completely paralyzed with FEAR behind my bike for at least 15 minutes as I just gazed out into oncoming traffic.

I said nothing. I didn’t even move. Taiwanese neighbors came and left. And, I still didn’t unlock one bone in my body from the complete feeling of fear I had.

The original plan back on Planet Josh was to quickly hop on the bike, and bang an immediate left turn.

If I could successfully execute this maneuver, I was free sailing. I could drive 300 yards maybe and make a quick right onto nothing but back roads free of traffic.

After I struggled and horsed this 800 pound piece of machinery through a row of 19 parked scooters
my plan took an immediate change for the worse. I started the bike, and it was like I completely forgot the whole plan of “Just GO left.”

I probably forgot my name at that exact moment. I knew within a split second that going left would constitute crossing over 3 busy ass lanes of traffic. And, it just wasn’t going to happen on this day.

So, a right turn out of the gate it was. That was only the beginning of one of the most ridiculous 3 hour consistent reel of bloopers imaginable.

However, after successfully executing right turn #2 on Jung Mei Road, I was suddenly starting to gain some confidence.

At one point, I even looked down at the speedometer, and I realized I was going over 20 kilomoters per hour. I thought maybe it would be years before I saw that, and I was doing it on my first day!!

I even got so confident that I was going to try and make a left hand turn on YuanHua Road. This was pretty risky since a left was going away from my house.

As I pulled into the left hand turning lane, with my turn signal on of course, that was the first time on this afternoon that my mind just took a complete shit on me.

The tricky part about operating a scooter for the very first time is accelerating and decelerating. The acting gas pedal is on the right hand side of the scooter. If you push away from you, it will speed up. And, if you pull towards  your body, it will actually slowly down.

With the earlier notion that my mind took a shit on me, I am quite certain you know where I am going with this one.

As I pulled up to the stop light to make my very first left hand turn, I noticed that the light was turning yellow. Although, I was probably going less than 10 kilometers per hour, I made what felt like a desperate attempt to come to a stop before I got to the light.

That was also the same exact moment that my brain stopped working. I was trying to slow down, and I kept pushing the lever away from me which was actually speeding the bike up. I remember thinking ” Son of a Bitch, this thing is just going to keep right on going.”

It actually got SO bad that I contemplated jumping off the damn bike. My mind was saying make this thing slow down.

But, my body kept making it go forward. I was probably hunched over at the very back of the seat as well to keep trying to pull leverage backwards.

Man, after nearly jumping off a 125 scooter going 5kmh, I was scared absolutely shitless to be honest.

It is.very strange to most people when I talk about my fear of scooters. They normally ask if I can ride a bike.

They seem extremely surprised to know that I have actually ran an Iron Man race.

So, after that bit of a fun, I was driving through the streets of Taiwan absolutely fucking scared out of my mind. I can remember thinking “God, How the hell am I going to get this thing back home? ” I knew that would constitute changing lanes, making turns, and a plethora of other nonsense.

I also remember seeing what I thought was a police officer behind me. I thought for the love of God just pull me over and take me to jail.

Anything has to be better than what I am feeling right now. I would have no such luck on the police officer taking me to jail. What I thought was a police officer, was actually a parking ticket guy.

After the parking ticket guy went past me, I proceeded to just go straight for about another hour with the occasional right hand turn down a side street.

At this point, I had absolutely no idea where I was. I would estimate that I only made it about 20 km from my apartment on Yanping Road.

That was when I quickly realized that I was just about out of gas. So, I thought Oh Shit, what if I run out of gas in the middle of the road and have to push this thing a couple of miles to the next gas station.

And, it is not like I could check my phone for the nearest gas station. I have a blue and silver Sony Ericson from 2004.

My next maneuver was to pull into the 7-11 and get some sort of comfort food to help calm me down. I parked the bike, and grabbed a papaya milk. I probably sat inside the 7-11 for about 30 minutes figuring out how I was going to find a gas station.

That is when I saw a cop taking pictures of my bike. Once again, I just thought take the damn thing since I am too stubborn to quit most of the time. I still have no idea what the cop was doing but he didn’t offer me the favor to take the bike with him.

So, I decided after I drank my $35 NTD Papaya Milk to take a walk looing for the next closest gas station. Luckily, I found one about a half mile away. But, I was also going to have to make a left hand  turn.

I scouted it out for about 15 minutes from the side of the highway and determined that it was ok to give it a go. After one pit stop at a Budhist Temple gathering to gather my confidence, I cleared the left and I was able to fill the bike up with gas.

I wish I would have had a camera to capture the look on the faces of these Taiwanese people as some hungover and scruffy looking white guy came  staggering up the hill of their outdoor gathering.

I didn’t stay long.  And, I didn’t say a word  anybody.Once again, it was just an excuse for a quick spot and another chance to gather my confidence.

With a full tank of petro, and a cluttered mind, it was back to the streets to try and navigate my way back home. It went ok for about the first 10-15 minutes. I somehow found a nice straight, and uncongested road to get me going back in the direction I needed to get toward my house.

But, this uncluttered path of highway could only last for so long in Jongli. I quickly found myself by the Jongli Night Market.

To those of you that don’t know what a night market it is, it is probably the worst place imaginable  for a new scooter driver to be driving. It is constant stop and go traffic among cars, scooters, children, and basically any kind of distraction all clobbered into one tiny little area for a chance to buy some really cheap food, clothes, and cheesy carnival games.

I thought Jesus Christ, could this really be happening at this point?? I was tired, and beat-down from an afternoon of terror. And , I was now going to have to really liven up and try to get through these confusing side streets just filled with people.

That is when I decided to throw in the towel for the evening. I really didn’t even care what was gong to happen  this bike that I just paid roughly $500 American dollars for.

I knew I only had one mission left. That was to go ahead and park this thing. I could come back another day to get the bike if it was still there.

So, I quickly found a side street with an empty parking space and left it for another day.

I knew I was about 4 miles away from home. That is when I decided taking a long walk would be ok at this point.

It took me one hour to walk home that night. But, it was much better than driving another second on that scooter. I went back and got it the next day. It is now currently sitting in front of my apartment. I occasionally start it up with the brave notion that I will drive it again some day.

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Tainan Bus Stop Blues

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As I sit here in the Tainan bus station at 3:45 on a Saturday afternoon, I am currently facing two of my biggest challenges this week.

#1- Keeping My Eyes Open

#2- Keeping My Head Up and avoiding the embarrassment of falling of the bus stop stool while passed out.

The one bit of solitude I do have is that the weather is absolutely perfect outside. There is not a cloud in the sky, and the temperature is hovering right around 75 degrees which is absolutely perfect for my own liking. I also have trusty two month old Madgun brown and yellow guitar in its ugly black ripped gig bag.

The bus stop is a hybrid between a station and just a very large stop. It probably has about 15-25 people waiting around for the next bus. I am on my way back to Jongli.

 Not one of them is of Western descent of course besides me.

I am so tired that I can actually see stars coming out of the corner of my left eye. And, I know the other one is droopy.

If you are wondering why I am so tired, I will just simply state that this was the last day of Chinese New Year.

Do you need further clarification? 🙂 I didn’t think so.

I still feel a tremendous buzz which is amazing since it is almost 4 in the afternoon. But, I guess when you go to bed at 8am , that is still allowed.

I feel 100 percent at ease with the entire world right now. Nothing can further back up that statement more than by the fact that I completely just jammed out with my trusty Madgun guitar right in the middle of the Tainan bus station for the last 45 minutes.

The thoughts going through the heads of the Taiwanese people would have been priceless to capture. :et me also remind you that I can barely get through 3 cords on the guitar. But, I really just didn’t give it a shit about anything.

I sat on my blue and silver hard back chair, and played those same 3 chords OVER and OVER again for at least 45 minutes.

I also decided to carry on some lyrics with it. Now, I am an absolutely horrendous singer to begin with. To complicate matters worse, I was trying to make up my own lyrics as I went.

“I’m sitting here in Tainan, gonna sing a good song, just for you and me.”

The best part was I really didn’t care if anybody liked it at all. 

My eyes were blood shot as can be and I hadn’t shave in at least 4 days. I have a head big enough that it used to force my parents to driver to a different state to buy me a football helmet.

And,  I am singing away in a perfectly quiet and sane bus stop without even a glance my way.

But, after that bizarre display of my lack of musical talent, it was back to Jongli for now. My bus was here.

The 19 year old kid managed to spit out the words “You GuitARR Awesome.” I thought what a liar. But, of course I greeted him with a “Xie Xie” or thank you.

Tainan, and your bit of solitude in a tiny display of something besides concrete jungle with your beaches, and surrounding mountains, I shall return soon.


Dear World, From Wild Man(Via Taiwan)

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I invite you to take a brief moment and think of some of your favorite writers or musicians. Are any of them “normal” ?.  Probably not, huh??

I would also imagine that drugs and alcohol had a huge part of their writing style.

This next work was no different for me. It was written around the time of my first Chinese New Year celebration in Taiwan.

I had spent the previous 4 nights getting absolutely annihilated on some of the cheapest booze Taiwan has too offer.

One of the nights even included a $500NT= 17.50 US dollars all you can drink party at a cheesy night club where I was the toughest guy there at 165lbs.

Let’s just say I got my money’s worth.

I am not always proud of how much I drink. And, I actually had to be woken up at The Armory (a local bar) , in Tainan at 7am as I was sleeping outside in the grass.

But, there really is something magical about how in touch you get with your soul after some HEAVY drinking.

You are ready to conquer the world until the booze wears off and the 3 day hangover sets in.

Then, you just normally decide to go back to work and deal with the same shit you have been dealing with for the last 10 years, just in a different country.

A Post Card from Me to The World- Come To Taiwan

Hello Mother, Hello Father, Hello World

Here I am in Camp Taiwan. And yes, I have realized by now my middle name is not WUH .. ha!(Joshua)

As I sit outside the 7-11, on the NE corner of Dongping Road, and Zhuanjing Road, (what, America, those streets are not familiar?? ha ha)

I am avidly chomping away on bag #2 of Bamboo crackers. If you are wondering what bamboo crackers are, they are like a mixture of Asian chips and graham crackers all in a delicious white and green $18NT bag that I can not get enough of.

 It is roughly 3 in the afternoon and I have not been awake for more than 20 minutes to be honest. My eyes are redder than a lobster, And, I am absolutely HAMMERED still from last night.

I am wearing a pair of beat up khaki shorts, and my “Keep it Green” shirt that I wore to the 2008 Rocky Point Volleyball championships if that gives you an idea of the condition I am in right now.

I still have a mix of Chinese, and Spanish in my head from the Latino party I went to the night before. If Josh Dent, mixing it up at a Latino party in Taiwan doesn’t say unique to you, I am not sure what does

To go one deeper, this partying was going via a mutual friend from the Mansfield University. Considering this is coming from Taiwan, I would have use the cliche What a small world!

I just spent 4 REALLY fun days here in Tainan partying my ass off and just having a genuinely great time with life.

The heart of not only the Taiwan person, but the Asian people, will be proven to you day after day if you ever decide to come to Taiwan. Yesterday, we were on the beach drinking tequila with 9 of the most random Indonesian people  you would ever see in your life.

But, the cultural gap, language gap, and any other differences all get brushed aside when people are out to have a really good time. We spent hours getting wasted while playing guitar, and singing away any Indonesian song you could think of.

Taiwan is absolutely fantastic, and I really hope that one day you decide to come. It will open your heart and soul to a new way of existence.